Touched By Love International

Touching the world's forgotten poor with the love we've known in Christ

Prayer Requests

This page is ever changing according to the needs of our partners and volunteers. Please check back in regularly to see how you can partner with us in prayer! Our partners in general who are each currently experiencing the effects of a global pandemic. 6/15/21TBLI's volunteers as they organize and plan a benefit concert to take place in late summer/fall. 6/15/21James, a young boy who was living on the street and just recently reunified with his...

Street children in Nakuru and other updates…

Last month we received an update from the Bridge Ministry in Nakuru, where Sam and Tony work with street children on life skills and education while also exploring reunification with their families. They currently have several children who are desiring to start vocational training and one who is ready to begin primary school. They wrote specifically about a boy named James who just finished his education and has reunified with his family!...

Meet Caroline!

We are so excited to announce that we have been blessed to bring on a new board member this month. Her name is Caroline Rood. Caroline will also function as our Creative Arts Director, teaching therapeutic dance and singing on trips to Kenya as well as helping to organize events for fundraising.  We are currently working on developing the website, but soon you'll be able to get to know Caroline better, along with our other volunteers!

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